Thursday, July 21, 2011

You've come a long way baby...

WOW people.  It has been over a MONTH since our last post! Abby here, and as you might have noticed I have been MIA from the crafting world for a while, and I am SO HAPPY to be back!  Here's what's been going on:

First of all!
Me and my wonderful hubby, Justin moved to Addison.  Let me just say- it was a fiasco getting moved, but I am so happy we did.  MUCH closer to work for both of us...but (and I'm sure all you crafters out there will really appreciate this one...) the best part is...I get my OWN ROOM for crafting! I finally got to move out of my cozy nook in the old apartment. So here is why I have been MIA:

AHHHHHH! WHAT THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THAT?!?!?! There's floor under there, at least that's what the apartment people told us.  At this point I was reserving judgment. You can see in the back my lonely little black and white Ikea desk on which I did all my crafting at the old apartment, and that's what I'm typing this post on right this second.

So about two weeks of time was spent unpacking.  everything.  my poor craft room was our storage area for a while so we could at least LIVE in the rest of the apartment. With both of us working full time and sometimes overtime, it's very hard to get unpacked.  But here's the progression...
AHH the floor! I told you it existed!

 Ok here's where I cleaned out an area for assembling my custom made by daddy craft tables.
 Here's after we got my custom tables in the room.  the one with the sewing machine is 30" tall: shorter than your average desk to make it more comfortable to sew on. the taller one is 35" : perfect for standing to craft/color.
 ah yes.  this is my dearest husband.  being such a good sport and hanging ALL those shelves for me.  Note: those things are put in with the toughest duty sheetrock anchors there are.  I could probably hang off of them.  craft stuff is HEAVY (paper in particular).  I have already had one accident in the old apartment where one of my shelves, and everything on it, fell off the wall onto me, unsuspecting, below.  luckily, none of my craft stuff got hurt. :-P
Ok here it is thus far.  still a work in progress. I plan to make very basic black curtains to put around the storage areas in the tables to clean it up a bit.  I need two more wire curtain rods (thin wire above the taller table) to hang my cards and ATC's from.  I also need to decorate it up a bit.  it isn't very inspiring right now...but soon enough it will be.  I'll keep updating to this blog.

So where have I been otherwise?

Well, Mom and I just came back from Houston.  and we didn't just go to see the sights. (it was 105 and about a billion percent humidity).  We went to get COPIC CERTIFIED!!

So please note our new little blinkie on the sidebar, and if you live in the Addison TX area and want a copic class, let me know!

It was really a great class with Jen Balcer.  We learned new techniques, perfected the ones we already knew, and most of all: got to play with the airbrushes!

which! by the way...the ABS-3 airbrush set is on clearance at Hobby Lobby for $22!!  Of course, you need a compressor with that set, but having played with both the compressor and the air cans, I would DEFINATELY recommend a compressor.

Anyways, I almost have my craft room workable...just in time to have to work three days in a row! of course. :-(

Have a great night and stay cool!


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